HomeGolfMeadow Greens-Ramsey Ladies Golf Club hosts "Three Blind Mice"

Meadow Greens-Ramsey Ladies Golf Club hosts “Three Blind Mice”

Jul. 31—The Play-of-the-Day for the Meadow Greens — Ramsey Ladies Golf Club was “Three Blind Mice” on Wednesday.

Members played a regular round of golf, and then subtracted their handicap off each individual hole and turned in their adjusted net scores. At the end of play, the golf committee randomly threw out three holes from the front nine, and three from the back nine, leaving members with six-hole net scores. Holes thrown out were No. 2, No. 5, No. 7, No. 12, No. 16, and No. 18.

Winners on the front nine were Carmel Taylor with a score of 22, Linda Youngmark with a 24, and Ann Christianson with a score of 25 (tie broken by handicap hole). Back nine winners were Chris Swatfager with a 22, Joy Blaser with a score of 23, and Pat Busker also with a 23 (tie broken by handicap hole).

Chip-ins were made by Ann Christianson on hole no. 12, Chris Swatfager on hole no. 14, and Barb Ruhter on hole no. 18 (chip-in was over 80 yards). The only non-adjusted birdie for the day was made by Karen Baier on hole no. 16.

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